5 Japanese Baby Food Recipes for Autumn
Are you ready for the Autumn and Holiday season? Not sure about you but we are obsessed with Japanese food. Not only is Japanese food tasty, they often are packed with nutrients and are simple to make, perfect for busy moms. We have gathered some delicious Japanese food recipe ideas to get you and your little one into the cosy, Autumn vibe! Try them out and let us know what you think.
For 5 - 8 months baby (check carefully on any allergy restrictions and doctor’s recommendation before trying new recipes):
Jubai Gayu (10倍粥)
In Japan, rice porridge is often used as babies’ first solid food. It is simple, quick to cook and a great breakfast idea! As the weather begins to cool down, a warm rice porridge would be a perfect baby meal.
Directions: Combine 1 cup of washed white rice and 10 cups of water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, then keep cooking for 20 - 30 minutes in low heat. You can make it more fine by using a blended or mixer.
Pumpkin and Carrots Puree
Directions: Peel and seed about 400g of pumpkin and 400g of carrots. Cut them into evenly sized cubes, then steam for 10 - 15 minutes until soft. Mix, mash and leave to cool, and they are ready to serve!
Scrambled tofu with corn
Directions: Finely chop silken tofu and washed corn into smaller pieces. In a small frying pan, add a little oil and cook the mixture for about 5 minutes. Sounds too simple right?
Sweet Potato and Edamame Dumping (Oyaki)
Directions: Peel and steam the sweet potato until it is soft (about 5 - 10 minutes). Then mash the sweet potato finely. Cook the Edamame and peel the skin off each bean. Mash, or chop it up very finely. Mix the 2 ingredients with the cornstarch, adjust until the perfect consistency. Roll about a tablespoon of the mixture and roll into a small dumpling. Pan-fry on medium to low heat.
You can also make in a large batch and freeze it in a food tray. Richell’s dividable baby food freezing cup would be a perfect tool to store this for later use!
Spinach steamed Egg Custard (Chawan-mushi)
Directions: Boil and chop spinach into small pieces. Add egg, chopped Shitake mushrooms and water into a serving bowl. Egg and water should be about 1:1 ratio. Steam the mixture (with steamer lid on) for about 15 minutes, until middle of the custard is completely cooked. Allow it to cool before serving. Reminder: this recipe should be eaten right away.